The Navgrahas as Teachers!

“Om Namo Guruveh Namah”– “Salutation to the Eternal Teacher’s- The Universal Guru’s” What better way to celebrate”Gurupurnima”, or “Vyas Jayanti” than to understand how the celestial planets play a vital role in our lives and how each one of them teaches us something and why we must learn and imbibe their teachings! As I alwaysContinue reading “The Navgrahas as Teachers!”

Retrograde 2020: Saturn-Venus-Jupiter.

Planetary retrograde motion, the concept when planets seem to be moving away form earth as the planets revolve around the Sun in their orbits is a visible astronomical phenomenon-like the other viable phenomenon of conjunction and opposition of planets- that is when they line up behind the Sun or in front of the Sun inContinue reading “Retrograde 2020: Saturn-Venus-Jupiter.”

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